Why Small Business should be taking full advantage of Social Media

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Why Do Companies Need To Take Full Advantage Of Social Media?

  • Drive Targeted Traffic to your site: Whether your company sells  a product or service there is a large group of people on platforms such as Facebook and Instagram that are interested in it.
  • Social Media Boosts Your Search Engine Optimization (SEO): SEO is a term used by Internet Marketers to describe the process involved in trying to improve the ranking of a web page so that its search engine visibility becomes higher. A higher search engine visibility means that the website will be placed higher in search engine results. When Google crawls websites it knows which ones are still relevant versus those that are not keeping their sites updated.By consistently having traffic driven by social media  Google knows you are still worth ranking so you will appear higher up.
  • Social Media Marketing Helps You Understand Your Audience: By interacting with your audience you will get to know what they like or don’t like about  your product/service.
  • Being Active On Social Media Builds Relationships With Your Audience: Building relationships helps build trust with your audience which is hugely important within a saturated marketplace.
  • Social Media Ads Allow Targeting And Retargeting: The reason why social media ads have a huge advantage over any type of ad (billboard, radio, newspaper, etc) is that the same person you showed an ad too 2 days ago can be retargeted. .
  • Social Media Is Key To Customer Service: Customers expect to have their problem analyzed and fixed in not more than 20min-24h depending on the issue. Social media is your chance to demonstrate and show you care by being proactive and responding quickly and professionally.
  • You Can Directly Find Potential Customers Who Don’t Know Your Brand: You can easily reach people that you would never have reached with old fashioned traditional media. Social Media opens up a whole new world.
  • The ROI On Social Media Ads Are Unbeatable: By boosting the right social media posts, you can bring in a lot of traffic at a fraction of the cost of targeted Google ads.

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